Press releases
18 Sep 2019 -Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer Briefing to the Security Council on South Sudan
18 Sep 2019 -Maintaining momentum key to progressing peace process in South Sudan
03 Jul 2019 - More than 100 civilians were killed and almost the same number of women and girls were raped or suffered other sexual violence during a surge in conflict in the Central Equatorian region of South Sudan following the signing of the revitalized peace agreement.
02 Jul 2019 - Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer Briefing to the Security Council on South Sudan
13 Jun 2019 -Engineers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan have repaired more than 2500 kilometers of roads to support economic growth and rapprochement so the conflict-affected country can build a peaceful and more prosperous future.
07 Jun 2019 - The ratification by South Sudan’s legislative assembly of two international covenants requiring states to protect and respect the human rights of their people has been welcomed by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.
29 May 2019 - Honourable Minister;Excellencies;Members of the diplomatic community;Dear UN colleagues; My fellow peacekeepers,
25 May 2019 - I am honoured to join you today to remember the brave women and men who have lost their lives while serving in UN Peacekeeping. More than 3,800 military, police and civilian peacekeepers have lost their lives since the United Nations deployed the first of its 72 peacekeeping missions back in 1948. These peacekeepers gave their lives to protect others and to give war-torn countries a chance for peace and hope.
04 May 2019 - The unanimous decision to extend the pre-transitional period of the South Sudan peace agreement leading to the formation of a new, unified Government in South Sudan is a sign of goodwill between the parties to end the suffering of their people, says the Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, David Shearer.