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  1. UNPOL Sexual- and Gender-Based Violence Awareness-Raising for Internally Displaced

    17 May 2016 UNPOL Sexual- and Gender-Based Violence Awareness-Raising for Internally Displaced The third round of training program on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) organized by the UNMISS Police in coordination with Human  Rights Division and Child Protection ...

  2. Youth and women in Twic County decry sexual gender-based violence, call for change of attitudes

    22 June 2021... participants at a workshop raising awareness on the ills of sexual gender-based violence. Photos: Peter Ring Ariik Kuol/UNMISS A loud call for rule of law and an end to ...

  3. Yei River County court overwhelmed by sexual abuse cases

    3 September 2014... to address rampant under-age pregnancy rates in schools, an UNMISS official s ...

  4. Partners hold sexual abuse workshop in Bor camp

    3 April 2014... 2 April 2014 - Community leaders in the UNMISS protection of civilians site in the Jonglei State capital Bor today attended a workshop aimed at enhancing their awareness of sexual abuse and gender- ...

  5. In Jonglei, social workers are sensitized on preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence

    16 November 2021... in Jonglei were trained on preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence by UNMISS. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS BOR - Across ...

  6. Women in Kapoeta lobby for a shelter to protect survivors of sexual- and gender-based violence

    18 August 2020... to protect girls and young women who are survivors of sexual- and gender-based violence. At a recent consultative meeting held by UNMISS Gender and Human Rights sections in Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria, to ...

  7. Time to Act against sexual violence

    5 June 2014 SRSG Hilde F. Johnson participating in "Time to Act" photo campaign in Juba.

  8. Human rights training targets grassroots

    17 November 2011... human rights violations and illegal crimes in communities, UNMISS completed a workshop today in Kit, Central Equatoria State. ...

  9. Rumbek Women Rally against Sexual & Gender-Based Violence at Workshop

    28 September 2017 Rumbek Women Rally against Sexual & Gender-Based Violence at Workshop “They ...

  10. Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Northern Unity (September - December 2018)

    18 February 2019 Download unmiss_ohchr_report_crsv_northern_unity_southsudan.pdf (442.85 KB) ...
