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  1. UN mission finances airport renovation in Unity

    16 February 2018 UN mission finances airport renovation in Unity The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is financing the renovation and expansion of the airstrip in Rubkona County in the Unity region.  When completed, the ...

  2. Indian peacekeepers awarded UN medals for excellent and varied work in Upper Nile State

    28 April 2022 UNMISS peacekeepers from India recently received UN medals for their ... to peace. A few were women. Photos: Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS Protecting civilians, undertaking a variety of ...

  3. SSNPS presence must be felt, says UNPOL Commissioner

    31 July 2014 31 July 2014 - The role of UN Police (UNPOL) in assisting their South Sudanese counterparts had changed “drastically” following conflict in the country, UNPOL Commissioner Fred Yiga said in Juba to

  4. Sudanese nomads and Unity hosts agree on compensation, courts

    27 May 2013 24 May 2013 - Sudanese nomads currently grazing in Unity state have agreed with their hosts to pay compensation of 75 cattle for intentional killing and 50 for unintentional murder.

  5. UN trains local leaders in community policing

    20 April 2012 18 April 2012 – In a continuing effort to control crime in rural areas, UN Police and Upper Nile State City Council today began a five-day community policing course for police officers, teachers, c

  6. Police learning to farm in Eastern Equatoria

    2 September 2013 31 August 2013- To increase food supplies in Eastern Equatoria, UN Police (UNPOL) and South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) officers today kicked off a yam-planting project near the state cap

  7. Uphold peace, says Warrap governor

    7 February 2014 6 February 2014 - Seeking to promote peace, Warrap State Governor Nyandeng Maliek Dielic today called on residents of Tonj North County to desist from revenge attacks and counter cattle raids.

  8. Displaced families in Rimenze vow to report human rights abuses against them

    18 December 2019 The remote community of Rimenze has been through a lot.

  9. UN peacekeepers improve access to clean water in Meen County, Western Lakes

    21 May 2018 UN peacekeepers improving access to clean water in Meen County, Western Lakes. “This water project will benefit thousands of citizens in our area and the children will be less affected by water-borne diseases...

  10. Acholi and Ma’di pledge to make peace

    21 April 2012 20 April 2012 - Following a three-day conference in the capital Torit, the Acholi and Ma'di tribes of Eastern Equatoria State today released a signed communique vowing to cease hostilities.
