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  1. Press release (text and audio): South Sudan government “needs to investigate and apprehend killers” of aid workers

    26 March 2017 UNMISS chief David Shearer strongly condemns the killing of six aid workers, ...

  2. Indian peacekeepers serving in South Sudan celebrate 69th Republic Day

    27 January 2018 Indian peacekeepers serving in South Sudan celebrate 69th Republic Day Indian peacekeepers serving far from home with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan took time out from their duties to celebrate the...

  3. A Boost for Security as UN Police Train Law Enforcement Officers in Malakal Town

    16 April 2018 United Nations police officers in South Sudan are extending their efforts beyond the protection of civilians’ site to assist in the reestablishment and restoration of police services in Malakal – t

  4. Citizens of Bentiu call for justice and accountability against human rights violations and abuses

    12 October 2018 Residents in Bentiu are calling for action against human rights violations and abuses in South Sudan.

  5. New camp leaders elected at UN protection site at Malakal

    14 December 2017 New camp leaders elected at UN protection site at Malakal A new team of community leaders has been elected to the Peace and Security Council (PSC) at the Protection of Civilians site next to the United Nation...

  6. Improved relations between Madi community and armed forces encourage returns to Pageri

    12 July 2018... a successful February peace dialogue facilitated by UNMISS. In the abandoned town and villages of Pageri ...

  7. Consultations aim to boost security in Unity State

    29 November 2011 23 November 2011 – Drawing together government officials as well as concerned members of the public, consultations aimed at promoting security and peace in communities began today in three Unity St

  8. First phase of livestock patrol training ends in Jonglei

    14 November 2013 14 November 2013 - Strengthening efforts to tackle cattle raiding in Jonglei State, South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) officers today completed a training course in Malou, Bor County.

  9. South Sudanese refugee influx into Sudan an "emergency", UN says

    16 June 2015 15 June 2015 - The UN refugee agency reported today that some 14,000 South Sudanese – mainly women and children – fled into Sudan over the weekend, describing the situ

  10. Weapons-free zone enables reopening of community school outside Juba protection site

    5 February 2018 Ilya is 11. He wants to become an astronaut, but may begrudgingly settle for a career as a teacher.
