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  1. UN mourns peacekeeper killed in armed attack at funeral service in South Sudan

    28 June 2018 Hundreds of colleagues and friends bid a final farewell to Lieutenant Commander Ashraf Siddiqui, a Bangladeshi peacekeeper killed in an ambush earlier this week. Colleagues and friends of fallen peacekeeper L...

  2. A five-year first: Students in Malakal and Akoka sit for secondary school national exams

    15 January 2019 Sweating it at the secondary school national exam, a scene not seen in Malakal since the outbreak of armed conflict in 2013. A school bell rings out in Malakal. It is the first time since 2013 that this p...

  3. South Sudan’s women in uniform work to combat gender-based violence and promote peace

    10 July 2019 South Sudanese women working in the security sector discuss their right to greater participation in the implementation of the peace agreement. About 100 uniformed women serving in South Sudan’s security secto...

  4. Statement by Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, on his meeting with leaders of the South Sudan Council of Churches

    27 April 2018 (New York, 26 April 2018) The Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, met with the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) leaders in New York to discuss

  5. Vocationally trained Malakal youth enabled to support themselves and their communities

    6 September 2018 Carpentry, brick laying, perhaps a spot of hairdressing. Or why not give connecting electrical or solar-powered devices a crack?

  6. Uniformed women in Torit: “We are empowered to professionally deliver in leadership roles”

    9 March 2020 Female officers in Torit feel empowered and ready for leadership roles after lots of training workshops. Female officers of the organized forces in Torit are benefitting from the rapid empowerment through wee...

  7. Fresh start for children demobilized from RMGs

    3 February 2012 3 February 2012 – In what has been dubbed the biggest single release of children associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFGs) since South Sudan became independent, 53 young people were released

  8. Tonj traders receive training to better manage their businesses and grow the local economy

    17 December 2019 More than 40 traders and local authorities have received leadership training to help them manage and build their businesses in support of the local economy in Tonj.

  9. South Sudan commemorates refugee day

    20 June 2014 20 June 2014 - More than 360,000 South Sudanese had crossed into neighbouring countries since conflict broke out in the country in December 2013, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said in Juba today.

  10. Tens of thousands more South Sudanese flee fighting following truce, says UNHCR

    28 May 2014 27 May 2014 - Some 70,000 more people have fled their homes in South Sudan since a 9 May agreement was signed to end fighting that has ravaged the country for over six months, the UN Refugee Agency
