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  1. UNMISS-supported forum for women in Eastern Equatoria prioritizes adult literacy at the grassroots

    2 August 2021... are coming together on a monthly platform facilitated by UNMISS to ensure that they build a support structure for women in the state to be empowered and develop. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS. “Our objective in coming together today ...

  2. New Unity cabinet swears to protect residents

    30 April 2012 27 April 2012 - Newly appointed state officials of South Sudan's Unity State, which has recently suffered through several bombing raids, pledged today in the capital Bentiu to protect and unify res

  3. Young people in Yei plant trees, participate in a clean-up drive at local hospital for Youth Day

    17 August 2021... and clean up hospital premises. Photo by Surur Ali Aliye/UNMISS. Last week’s International Youth Day ...

  4. Western Equatoria communities empowered to build businesses and sustain their families during UNMISS-funded vocational training

    21 June 2024... Forty people from Western Equatoria graduated from an UNMISS-funded training programme with new skills in cosmetics production and ... Sudan’s economic crisis. Photos by Felix Francis Katie/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA - At a time when ...

  5. ‘Football for Peace’ academy opens in Juba

    5 November 2016 ‘Football for Peace’ academy opens in Juba  The power of sport to inhibit conflict and promote cohesion has become increasingly appreciated by the people of South Sudan.

  6. State-wide Jonglei peace conference begins in Bor

    2 May 2012 1 May 2012 – In tackling the underlying causes of conflict in Jonglei State, a four-day all-community conference kicked off today in the capital Bor.

  7. An UNMISS-supported workshop in Malakal seeks to end hate speech

    27 September 2018 A workshop at the UN base in Malakal has concluded with calls for appropriate measures to be put in place to combat hate speech on various platforms to pave way for peaceful coexistence among the c

  8. South Sudan at cross roads, says Ban

    19 November 2013 19 November 2013 - Recent events had provided South Sudan with new opportunities, despite grave concerns about security in Jonglei State, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said in his most recent report on the

  9. Ban Ki-moon arrives in Juba

    6 May 2014 6 May 2014 - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Juba today for a one-day visit to South Sudan.

  10. South Sudan celebrates African Child Day

    16 June 2015 16 June 2015 - Different states in South Sudan today joined the global community in commemorating the Day of the African Child, which is observed on 16 June every year.
