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  1. Murle- Dinka leaders resolve to end child abduction and cattle raids

    22 September 2016 Murle- Dinka leaders resolve to end child abduction and cattle raids The top leadership of Jonglei and Boma states together with paramount Chiefs agreed to end cattle raiding and child abduction after their f...

  2. Malakal Remembers Fallen Peacekeepers in Joint Commemoration event in town

    1 June 2018 Dark clouds lurked over Malakal, announcing the possibility of a heavy downpour, but that did not deter hundreds of residents of South Sudan’s second largest town from thronging the venue for this

  3. Promising singer issues emotional challenge to Eastern Equatorians on Human Rights Day

    14 December 2021 On Human Rights Day in Torit, an talented and inspirational young singer urges communities to respect and protect the rights of all citizens “We need to live together and respect each other’s rights; ...

  4. Women continue to face discrimination, violence, says SRSG

    10 December 2014 9 December 2014 - Although the government had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), women in South Sudan continued to face discrimination

  5. Security and livelihoods: Opposition soldiers reflect on hopes and life in a cantonment site

    20 January 2020 A much-improved security situations means that women (soldiers and/or wives of male troops) can move around freely and thus go about their hard work. "We are happy with the changes that we are seeing as a res...

  6. Upper Nile youth form cooperative union to reduce conflict and support development opportunities

    13 December 2021... to build peace and support job and business opportunities at UNMISS-hosted workshop Dozens of youth ...

  7. Statement by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General Nicholas Haysom United Nations Day 2023

    24 October 2023 [Near Verbatim]

  8. Neglected plight of street children to be addressed in Greater Bahr-el-Ghazal region

    28 April 2021... to discuss their situation. Photos: Dawit Kahsay Tedla/UNMISS Exposure to the elements. Constant ...

  9. Trade fair uncovers South Sudan’s agricultural potential

    14 November 2011 11 November 2011 – Aiming to explore farming possibilities and draw investors, South Sudan held its first agricultural trade fair at Nyakuro...

  10. Trade fair emphasizes business value of farming

    28 November 2012 27 November 2012 - South Sudanese should focus on the economic value of their crops and animals, President Salva Kiir stressed today in Juba during the country's second agricultural trade fair.
