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  1. In Lainya, communities unite 16 Days of Activism with the need for health and hygiene

    27 November 2021 LAINYA - More than 1000 women, men and children in Lainya town undertook a three-kilometer walk to mark 16 Days of Activism.

  2. Terekeka youth learn to identify and handle conflict

    12 June 2015 12 June 2015 - As society’s most energetic age group as well as its future, youth must learn to identify and cope with conflict, a senior county official said in Tereke

  3. UNMISS-funded solar-powered lights save lives at Juba Teaching Hospital

    19 April 2018 Smiles were everywhere when UNMISS handed over a life-saving solar-powered lighting system to Juba Teaching ...

  4. Fish bring new hope to conflict-affected South Sudanese

    13 June 2017 Fish bring new hope to conflict-affected South Sudanese Morning trading is underway at the recently built fish market on the banks of the White Nile in the town of Bor and business is picking up.  Women selle...

  5. - Remarks by the Secretary-General at the Consultative Meeting on South Sudan, with UN, IGAD and the African Union Addis Ababa, 27 January 2018

    27 January 2018 Remarks by the Secretary-General at the Consultative Meeting on South Sudan, with UN, IGAD and the African Union Addis Ababa, 27 January 2018 One year ago, it was obvious to me that it was absolutely essentia...

  6. UN’s top Envoy in South Sudan urges parties to make a fresh push for peace

    8 December 2021... UN Secretary-General's Special Representative and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, held a press conference in South Sudan's capital, ... prevail in the world's youngest nation. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS Ahead of his briefing to the United ...

  7. Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer's Remarks at the National Dialogue Conference, South Sudan

    4 November 2020   Vice Presidents

  8. Luacjang and Pakam communities sign cessation of hostilities agreement in Tonj

    5 July 2023 UNMISS, together with UNDP and other partners, recently facilitated a peace ... and Pakam communities. Photo by Peter Ring Ariik Kuol/UNMISS WARRAP/LAKES - A cessation of ...

  9. Youth activists in Lakes call for disarmament and better roads to reduce inter-communal conflicts

    7 February 2018 Youth activists in Lakes call for disarmament and better roads to reduce inter-communal conflicts Youth activists in Yirol in the Greater Lakes region call for disarmament, better roads and more attention to ...

  10. South Sudanese women urged to fight for their rights on International Women’s Day

    8 March 2019 South Sudanese women being in the foreground is shamefully rare. “You should just stand up for your rights.  It is something that is yours, so you have to go get them.”
