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  1. Agencies say expected cholera cases could double

    27 May 2014 27 May 2014 - The number of suspected cholera cases in Juba has risen to over 670 with 23 deaths, leading health officials to double their estimates of people who could

  2. Time for action: Upper Nile region Governors and military commanders bring peace to the table in Malakal conference

    5 April 2019 “Peace is not what’s written on paper. Peace is what’s happening today in this room. Peace is the food we eat. Peace is in our walk and our talk.”

  3. Running for harmony: Residents of Morobo celebrate International Day of Peace

    27 September 2021 UNMISS and local communities in Morobo, Central Equatoria, came together to ... to mark International Day of Peace. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS. “I’m really happy to participate in ...

  4. Agreement on conduct and mobile court to minimize conflicts during cattle migration season

    2 December 2020 There is always plenty to discuss to maintain peaceful relations between farmers and cattle herders during South Sudan's cattle migration season. Most representatives of farmers and pastoralists in the ...

  5. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, at the 35th RJMEC Plenary

    23 May 2024 Near Verbatim

  6. Women in Bor demand end to early and forced marriage

    7 December 2017 Women in Bor demand end to early and forced marriage Women in Bor are demanding empowerment through education as a way to help them combat early and forced marriage in the conflict-affected country of South S...

  7. Yei women engage in creative activities to improve livelihoods, heal trauma

    7 March 2018 Members of a Mothers Union in Yei town in the Central Equatoria region, said they are using their creative skills and talents to earn a little income to make ends meet and forget the horrors left b

  8. Still waiting for the education peace benefit

    8 March 2013 8 March 2013 – Although she only possesses a primary school education, Jennifer Kujang is a community leader and head of a women's union.

  9. Displaced South Sudanese celebrate joyous Christmas mass amid fragile hope of peace

    26 December 2017 Displaced South Sudanese in an UNMISS Protection of Civilians site in Juba celebrate Christmas mass amid fragile hope of peace. Photo: UNMISS/Nektarios Markogiannis People who have sought ... the UN protection site in Juba celebrated Christmas Day both en masse and in style. ...

  10. Peacekeepers give children the gift of education and a brighter future in war-torn South Sudan

    2 December 2020... education is a luxury that most families cannot afford. UNMISS has a base not far from the school. For the past few years, peacekeepers ...
