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  1. SRSG Nicholas Haysom’s supporting brief for the AUPSC Statement by the Trilateral Taskforce

    27 February 2024 [NEAR VERBATIM]

  2. Malakal Town Celebrates Cultural Diversity in Song and Dance

    28 September 2017 Malakal Town Celebrates Cultural Diversity in Song and Dance The sound of drums filled the air as performers whirled across the dance floor in a riot of colour, dance and song in celebration of their tribal d...

  3. SSNPS launches personnel identity cards

    2 November 2015 As part of efforts to boost its human resource and financial management, the South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) recently launched Police Personnel Identity Cards in Juba.

  4. South Sudanese call for peace and respect for all people on Human Rights Day

    13 December 2017 South Sudanese call for peace and respect for all people on Human Rights Day Soccer stars are usually driven by a desire to compete, but in a special match in South Sudan’s capital on Human Rights Day, they u...

  5. Lack of political will delays peace in South Sudan, Bishop says

    15 December 2014 15 December 2014 - The failure to reach peace at Addis Ababa talks one year after the South Sudan conflict erupted is due to lack of political will, Bishop Enock Tombe

  6. Beyond Bentiu: In Search of a New Life

    14 August 2017 Beyond Bentiu: In Search of a New Life Traditional huts, or tukul, of bamboo, mud brick and thatched roof stand strong. Women wait in line at the borehole for their turn to fill yellow jerricans with ...

  7. Presence of UN peacekeepers brings relief and relative security to residents of greater Tonj

    4 March 2020 UNMISS Force Commander Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar listens to the ...

  8. UN volunteers crucial to protecting civilians and building peace in South Sudan

    23 February 2018 UN volunteers crucial to protecting civilians and building peace in South Sudan In May 2015, Kweku Bassaw was working alongside other civilian staff protecting hundreds of people who had fled from violent cla...

  9. UNMAS marks International Mine Awareness Day in Malakal with risk education for communities

    4 April 2022... Risk education for children, parents and UNMISS peacekeepers was the priority for UNMAS while marking International Day for Mine Awareness in Malakal. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS. UPPER NILE - While South Sudan, the ...

  10. Cross-border communities unite at UNMISS-sponsored peace forum to tackle climate-fueled conflict

    10 September 2024... prevent conflict erupting between cross-border communities, UNMISS hosted a peace forum in Yirol to help prevent conflict over access to ... flood-stricken Lakes region. Photos: Nektarios Markogiannis/UNMISS LAKES - The devastation caused by ...
