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  1. The Secretary-General -- Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan New York, 19 December 2016

    20 December 2016 The Secretary-General  --  Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan  New York, 19 December 2016 The Secretary-General -- Remarks at Security Council Session on South Sudan

  2. A tale of two women: Reaching across the political divide to push for peace in Yei

    18 April 2019 “We are tired. We are losing our husbands, we are losing our children.

  3. Juba public ponder potential coming of peace as details of agreement are explained

    23 September 2019 A state of mind. An elusive dream. Hard-fought with many casualties. Agreed on. Waiting to happen. Partially achieved. Already here.

  4. Bentiu 2019: The times are changing

    18 March 2019 Amid the whirlwind, omni-entering dust, the internally displaced persons milling about at the Bentiu UN protection site and the police officers patrolling the area, there is a distinct and rather p

  5. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- REMARKS TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL ON SOUTH SUDAN [as delivered] (plus link to full coverage of the SC session)

    24 March 2017 UN Secretary-General António Guterres spoke to members of the Security Council yesterday. (Full coverage of the 23 March 2017 Security Council session on South Sudan here ) Excellencies,
