UNMISS personnel speaking to local resident during conflict resolution roundtable at gun cattle camp in Marial-bek locality in Lakes State. Photo: UNMISS/JC McIlwaine
Community leaders, including chiefs, women, youth leaders, and elders, gathered at a UNMISS outreach event to discuss concerns about the security and economic situation as well as steps needed to secure sustainable peace. Photo by James Sokiri/James Ohisa/UNMISS.
In Bor, Jonglei State, 16 students, including four women, graduated from a four-month agriculture training course focused on sustainable rice production at Dr. John Garang Memorial University. The project is supported by UNMISS Korean peacekeepers. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS.
UNMISS led a workshop on positive masculinity and gender equality for 60 participants, including 42 men, aimed at empowering women and addressing gender-based violence. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.