Press releases

  • unmiss south sudan david shearer special representative press conference 6 april near verbatim

    UNMISS Chief David Shearer addressing the media in Juba on 6 April.

    07 Apr 2021 - [Near Verbatim] Good afternoon everybody. Thank you all for joining me today and welcome to everyone who is tuning on Radio Miraya. This is my final press conference as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, the UN Mission in South Sudan.
  • unmiss south sudan srsg david shearer departing message of peace

    UNMISS Chief David Shearer holding his last press conference in South Sudan.

    06 Apr 2021 - On the eve of his departure after more than four years as the UN’s top envoy in South Sudan, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations peacekeeping mission thanked the people of South Sudan for their support and wished them well.
  • unmiss south sudan press release abducted women children released reunited 2 april 2021

    Archive photo. Abducted women and children in Jonglei State meet their families again.

    02 Apr 2021 - Fifty-eight women and children who were abducted last year during vicious intercommunal fighting in Jonglei State in South Sudan are finally being reunited with their families.
  • unmiss south sudan human rights report annual brief on violence affecting civilians killings abductions conflict-related sexual violence

    The UNMISS Annual Brief on Violence Affecting Civilians raises particular concern about a sharp spike in abductions by more than 300 percent. In the photo, abducted children are being released.

    31 Mar 2021 - 31 March 2021: Community-based militias were responsible for 78 percent of killings and injuries caused to civilians as well as abductions and conflict-related sexual violence during attacks in pockets of South Sudan, according to a new human rights report.
  • 15 Mar 2021 - Juba, 15 March 2021: The establishment of new temporary bases, intensified patrols, support for peacebuilding and investment in basic services is helping reduce violence in the Jonglei region of South Sudan after hundreds of people were killed and abducted in a wave of military-style attacks by community-based militias last year.
  • 12 Mar 2021 - New York, 12 March 2021: Extending the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) until 15 March 2022, the Security Council demanded today that all parties to the conflict in that country and other armed actors immediately stop fighting and engage in political dialogue, in accordance with the peace agreement signed in 2018.
  • UNMISS David Shearer Press Conference Juba Protection of Civilians

    The UN's top envoy in South Sudan, David Shearer, outlined plans for a more agile, proactive and fit-for-purpose UNMISS at his press conference in Juba today. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS

    03 Mar 2021 - Juba, 3 March 2021: The changing political and security situation in South Sudan combined with the successful re-designation of UN protection sites is enabling the peacekeeping mission to reach more people in need and build the capacity of local police and the justice system to protect their own citizens.
  • The proactive response by UNMISS peacekeepers to a recent upsurge in sub-national violence and updates on the transition of UN Protection Sites into camps for internally displaced people were key issues addressed by David Shearer, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in South Sudan, at a press conference held in the mission’s headquarters in Juba on 9 February 2021.

    09 Feb 2021 - Good morning. Thank you for joining me here today and welcome to everyone who is tuning in live on Radio Miraya. I’m glad to see all of you are wearing masks. As much as we hoped we might be turning the corner on COVID, it is very much still with us and the threat is actually greater than ever.
  • 04 Feb 2021 - Juba, 4 February 2021: Political parties must accelerate efforts to graduate unified forces, form state and county institutions, reconstitute the national legislature and finalize the constitution so that elections can take place, says the UN’s top envoy in South Sudan.
  • 15 Jan 2021 - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Nicholas Haysom of South Africa as his Special Representative for South Sudan and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).  He will succeed David Shearer of New Zealand to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his exemplary leadership of UNMISS during the time of critical developments and chall
