Operation Services for Flood Pumps, Automated Floting Trash Collector Systems and Disposal of Collected Waste Materials to UNMISS in Juba Tomping, the Republic of South Sudan
Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 03 March 2025
General Description of the Requirement:
The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) hereby solicits Expressions of Interest (EOI) from competent Companies for the Operation Services for Flood Pumps, Automated Floting Trash Collector Systems and Disposal of Collected Waste Materials to UNMISS in Juba Tomping, the Republic of South Sudan.
1. Interested companies are invited to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) online, by hand delivery, or by e-mail as indicated below. The EOI must include, as a minimum, the following information:
- United Nations Global Market (UNGM) and Registration Number for Infrastructure Maintenance and Repair Services UNSPSC Code no 72103300.
- Company’s contact details (address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail, etc.).
Important Notice:
2. This REOI does not constitute a solicitation. UNMISS reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the REOI and/or solicitation process. Thus, submitting a response to this REOI does not automatically guarantee that your company will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued.
3. UNMISS also reserves the right to send the Solicitation Documents to companies who were identified through additional market research or other means to source the UN requirements.
4. Vendors interested in fulfilling the requirement described above must be registered with UNGM and those not registered may wish to visit for full registration information in order to be eligible to participate in any solicitation.
5. Vendors already registered at the UNGM basic level and level 1 are strongly advised to upgrade to level 2.
6. Local and Regional companies, women owned business, and businessesby people living with disabilities are encouraged to participate.
7. The EOI, clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Operation Services for Flood Pumps, Automated Floting Trash Collector Systems and Disposal of Collected Waste Materials to UNMISS in Juba Tomping, the Republic of South Sudan” must be received by UNMISS no later than 16:00 Hours (GMT+2) on Monday, 03 March 2025 via the link or contact Safwan Al-Miski with a copy to, and incase of difficulties. The EOI may also be hand-delivered to the attention of the Chief Procurement Officer, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Near Juba International Airport, Room No.: 3C/02, Juba, South Sudan, Tel: +211912067160.