Press releases

  • UNMISS announces travel freeze to support COVID-19 prevention and preparedness

    UNMISS announces travel freeze to support COVID-19 prevention and preparedness.

    23 Mar 2020 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has put a seven-day freeze on staff travelling into South Sudan as part of the peacekeeping mission’s support for national-led COVID-19 prevention efforts. The decision will apply to all personnel except those who are critical to continuing UNMISS operations. Cargo flights will continue. The decision is effective at 23:59 Monday 23 March 2020.
  • UN takes steps to support coronavirus prevention and preparedness in South Sudan

    UN takes steps to support coronavirus prevention and preparedness in South Sudan - 18 March 2020

    18 Mar 2020 - The United Nations in South Sudan has announced new measures in support of Government-led efforts to prevent and prepare for the coronavirus (COVID-19). These are aimed at protecting the people of South Sudan and UN staff. 
  • unmiss south sudan juba srsg david shearer press conference 9 march 2020 near verbatim q&a

    UNMISS chief David Shearer answered numerous questions at a press conference in Juba on 9 March.

    10 Mar 2020 - (Scroll down for Q&A session) I want to start by acknowledging the breaking news coming out of Khartoum where an explosion has reportedly hit a convoy carrying Prime Minister Hamdok. I don’t have any more information than you do, at the moment, but I wanted to my express my concern at the situation and welcome the news that the Prime Minister is apparently safe and well.
  • unmiss south sudan srsg special representative secretary-general juba press conference 9 march 2020

    Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Press Conference Juba on 9 March 2020.

    09 Mar 2020 - I want to start by acknowledging the breaking news coming out of Khartoum where an explosion has reportedly hit a convoy carrying Prime Minister Hamdok. I don’t have any more information than you do, at the moment, but I wanted to my express my concern at the situation and welcome the news that the Prime Minister is apparently safe and well.
  • unmiss south sudan srsg head david shearer special representative of the secretary-general briefing security council

    Briefing to the Security Council on South Sudan Special Representative of the Secretary-General David Shearer

    05 Mar 2020 - Often when I brief the Security Council on South Sudan, the news is not encouraging. However, today is different. There have been positive developments that have moved the country further along the road to sustainable peace. On 15 February, President Salva Kiir – against the wishes of many of his supporters – agreed to compromise to return South Sudan to its pre-2015 position of 10 states, although he added three administrative areas.
  • Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on South Sudan

    Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on South Sudan

    23 Feb 2020 - The Secretary-General welcomes the establishment of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) in South Sudan on 22 February 2020. He commends the parties for this significant achievement in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan.
  • UNMISS urges parties to form transitional government

    17 Feb 2020 -
    The announcement by the Presidency of South Sudan to return to 10 states is an important compromise to enable the timely formation of the transitional government as promised to the citizens of South Sudan.
  • unmiss south sudan special representative of the secretary-general david shearer implementation of the revitalized peace agreement

    Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer at the 23 January 2020 board meeting of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC).

    24 Jan 2020 - Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer RJMEC 23 January 2020   Chair Excellencies Friends and colleagues  
  • 09 Dec 2019 - A fresh outbreak of tribal clashes and other internal fighting has reportedly resulted in the death and displacement of civilians in the central and northern regions of South Sudan over the weekend.
  • 03 Dec 2019 - Seventy-five United Nations peacekeepers have been temporarily re-deployed from Rumbek to Maper to deter further violence between communities in the northern Lakes region of South Sudan.
