Press releases

  • 13 Sep 2018 - The signing of the Revitalized Agreement to Resolve the Conflict in South Sudan (RARCSS) on 12 September 2018 is a positive and a significant development. The Secretary-General commends the parties on this step forward and applauds regional and international efforts that led to the signing of the Agreement.
  • 12 Sep 2018 - The signing of a revitalized peace agreement by all parties to the conflict in South Sudan is a significant step forward in the process of ending the ongoing violence and the immense suffering of their people, says the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, David Shearer, spoke at the signing ceremony in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, today.
  • 06 Sep 2018 - The finding of a military court that 10 soldiers were guilty of committing violence against civilians at the Terrain Hotel in Juba, South Sudan, has finally delivered justice for the survivors and the family of the journalist murdered in the attack. The judges delivered their verdict today and handed down lengthy prison terms for murder, rape and other crimes. The court also ordered the government to pay damages to the victims.
  • 04 Sep 2018 - Almost 3500 internally displaced people have been successfully relocated from the UN Protection of Civilians site in Juba to a new site within the community in a joint effort between the United Nations Mission in South Sudan and humanitarian agencies.
  • 18 Aug 2018 - Kofi Annan was a guiding force for good.  It is with profound sadness that I learned of his passing.  In many ways, Kofi Annan was the United Nations. He rose through the ranks to lead the organization into the new millennium with matchless dignity and determination.  
  • unmiss south sudan human rights report civilians suffering atrocities rape sexual violence torture impunity perpetrators

    OHCHR | UN demands justice for civilians deliberately and ruthlessly targeted in attacks in South Sudan

    10 Jul 2018 - (Scroll down to download the full report and find links to other useful material) UN Human Rights monitors have documented what appear to be deliberate, ruthless and brutally violent attacks on civilians, particularly against women and children, by Government and aligned forces, as well as armed youth in parts of Unity State in South Sudan.
  • 26 Jun 2018 - A Bangladeshi peacekeeper was killed today during an armed attack on a United Nations convoy that was supporting the delivery of humanitarian aid to vulnerable civilians in the Central Equatorian region of South Sudan.Bangladeshi Military Liaison Officer, Lieutenant Commander Ashraf Siddiqui, was part of a convoy led by Nepalese peacekeepers providing protection to humanitarian workers travelling from Yei to Lasu when several shots were fired at the group by unknown gunmen.
  • 08 Jun 2018 - The CTSAMM Chairman, Major General Ibrahim Abdeljelill and his Deputy, Major General Tariq Abdelkarim, met with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG), David Shearer and his Deputy Moustapha Soumarè.
  • 07 Jun 2018 - The United Nations Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Moustapha Soumaré, and the Deputy Minister of Interior, Hon. Riaw Gatlir Gai, today inaugurated the Prisons Development Committee (PDC) at a function organised by the National Prisons Service of South Sudan (NPS) in Juba. The formation of the PDC is part of ongoing technical cooperation between the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the NPS.
  • 04 Jun 2018 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) strongly condemns an armed attack that directly targeted its peacekeepers in the country’s Unity region, on the morning of 4 June 2018. A convoy consisting of peacekeepers and civilians came under fire when it stopped briefly to interact with a civilian in Rubkway, about 20 kilometers north of Leer town. The team was on a short patrol from the Mission’s Leer Temporary Operations Base to Thaker, in Mayendit County.
