Press releases

  • 17 May 2018 -
    Up to 150 peacekeepers are being rapidly redeployed to the Unity region to boost the UN Mission’s efforts to protect civilians being deliberately targeted by warring parties.
  • Agreement to stop fighting in South Sudan needs to be upheld

    Agreement to stop fighting in South Sudan needs to be upheld

    02 May 2018 - The surge of violence in South Sudan’s Unity region “looks set to continue despite the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement that was signed last year,” according to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations mission in the country (UNMISS), David Shearer. He made his comments during a visit to Leer and Dublual in the Unity region to see first-hand the impact of the deteriorating security situation on communities.
  • 30 Apr 2018 - Ten aid workers who were detained while on an assessment mission near Yei, Central Equatoria, have been freed. The humanitarian workers were held by an armed opposition group in South Sudan for more than five days, since 25 April.   The humanitarian staff, all nationals, included one from UNOCHA, two from UNICEF, one from the South Sudanese Development Organisation, (SSDO), two from ACROSS, three from Plan International and one from Action Africa Help (AAH). 
  •  Escalation of fighting in South Sudan puts thousands of civilians at risk and compromises peace process

    Escalation of fighting in South Sudan puts thousands of civilians at risk and compromises peace process

    27 Apr 2018 - A surge in violent clashes in Unity, Jonglei and Central Equatorias is having a devastating impact on thousands of civilians and on humanitarian agencies trying to provide desperately needed assistance to vulnerable people.
  • 27 Apr 2018 - (New York, 26 April 2018) The Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, met with the South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) leaders in New York to discuss the ongoing crisis in South Sudan.
  • Ten aid workers missing in South Sudan

    Ten aid workers missing in South Sudan

    26 Apr 2018 - Press Release Ten aid workers have gone missing outside South Sudan’s Yei town in Central Equatoria region.
  • UNMISS acts on allegation of sexual exploitation in Aweil

    UNMISS acts on allegation of sexual exploitation in Aweil

    24 Apr 2018 - On 13 April, four teenagers were caught trying to enter the United Nations base in Aweil through the perimeterfence.It was alleged that one of the teenaged girls had been touched inappropriately by a member of the Nepalesecontingent in exchange for money. There was no allegation made of rape.The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) deployed a Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Immediate
  • 19 Apr 2018 - Mr. President of the General Assembly,Dear families of our colleagues who sacrificed their lives in the line of dutyExcellencies,Dear colleagues,Ladies and gentlemen,Today we honour our fallen colleagues. But allow me, before we begin, to say how I deeply saddened I was to learn last night of the sudden passing of our colleague Ambassador Bernard Tanoh-Boutchoué, Permanent Representative of Côte d’ Ivoire.
  • UNMISS welcomes renewal of peacekeeping mandate by UN Security Council

    UNMISS welcomes renewal of peacekeeping mandate by UN Security Council

    15 Mar 2018 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has welcomed the decision by the United Nations Security Council to renew its peacekeeping mandate until 15 March 2019 with the passing of Resolution 2406. Since the outbreak of civil war in 2013, UNMISS has remained committed to working with the people of South Sudan to end the conflict and build durable peace so that families can return to their homes to live safely and with dignity.
  • South Sudan UNMISS DSRSG Minister of Interior juvenile reformatory centre rule of law protection of civilians Juba

    The deputy head of UNMISS, Moustapha Soumaré, and the Minister of Interior, Hon. Michael Chienjiek Geay at the launch of the project to build South Sudan's first Juvenile Reformatory Centre in Juba.

    15 Mar 2018 - Today, the United Nations Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Mr. Moustapha Soumaré, and the Minister of Interior, Hon. Michael Chienjiek Geay, broke the ground to establish South Sudan’s first Juvenile Reformatory Centre (JRC) in Juba. This project is part of ongoing technical cooperation between the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the National Prisons Service of South Sudan (NPSSS).
