Press releases

  • 11 May 2015 - Juba - 11 May 2015 - Since intensified military activities began in Unity State on 20 April, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has grown increasingly concerned about continuing and consistent reports coming from Guit and Koch counties of towns and villages being burned, killings, abductions of males as young as 10 years of age, rape and abduction of girls and women, and the forced displacement of civilians.
  • 05 May 2015 - Juba, 5 May 2015: “On 23-24 April, aid workers left Pagak in Upper Nile state because of harassment and impediments to their freedom of movement. We are working toward a resolution so that they can return and work in line with the principles of humanity, impartiality and neutrality.
  • 28 Apr 2015 - Juba, 28 April 2015 - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for South Sudan and head of the UN Mission in South Sudan, Ellen Margrethe Loej, visited Pibor Town today and met with senior local officials, recently released child soldiers and UNMISS staff members assigned to the Mission’s county support base.
  • 24 Apr 2015 - Juba, 23 April 2015 - The UN Mission in South Sudan deeply regrets the continuation of hostilities in the Upper Nile State capital of Malakal and the resulting displacement of the civilian population.
  • 23 Apr 2015 - Juba, 22 April 2015 - The UN Mission in South Sudan is gravely concerned about the fighting in the Upper Nile state capital of Malakal that broke out in the evening of Tuesday, 21 April and continued into the early afternoon of today. The precise causes of the violence remain unclear.
  • 17 Apr 2015 - Juba, 17 April 2015: “Peace and security are central requirements for South Sudan and its people to prosper; while these conditions are not yet in place in the world’s youngest country we must continue to invest in the long-term development of the nation and its citizens.
  • 14 Apr 2015 - Juba, 14 April 2015 - The Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (DSRSG) for South Sudan (Political) Moustapha Soumaré visited Malakal today on his first trip to an UNMISS state office since he took up his duties with the Mission on 30 March.
  • 10 Mar 2015 - Juba, 10 March 2015 - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) and head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, Ms. Ellen Margrethe Loej, and the U.S. Charge D’Affaires, Charles Twining, visited Malakal today. The visit featured a walking tour of the devastated center of the Upper Nile state capital, which has changed hands six times since the current conflict in South Sudan erupted in December 2013.
  • 17 Feb 2015 - Juba, 17 February 2014: The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Ms. Ellen Margrethe Løj, visited Bor today. The visit was part of an effort to obtain firsthand knowledge of the situation on the ground concerning the implementation of the Mission mandate.
  • 27 Jan 2015 - Juba, 27 January 2015 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) strongly condemns the killing of eleven civilians, five of them journalists, in a roadside ambush while travelling to Raja in Western Bahr El Ghazal State on Sunday, 25 January 2015.
