News Stories

unmiss civic space civil liberties elections youth peace security south sudan constitution gender united nations un peacekeeping

Debate and discussion are key for a democracy to thrive. As part of country-wide efforts to promote civic engagement, especially by young South Sudanese, UNMISS is hosting university debates on vital issues that the world's newest nation is facing, such as widespread involvement in drafting a permanent constitution; gender equality, especially when it comes to political participation, and, of course, ensuring informed voters can express their will freely in South Sudan's first post-independence elections slated for next December. Photo by Alahayi Nemaya/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections constitution prison correction farming livelihood Wau WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL

In Western Bahr El Ghazal, UNMISS and FAO are supporting the national prison system to become self-reliant in terms of its food supply through an innovative pilot project that teaches short-term inmates scientific agricultural practices at a prison farm in Thuro Majok, a locality on the outskirts of the state capital, Wau. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS.

UNMISS south sudan UN Day united nations UNICEF children wau conflict peace development recovery peacekeeping

During a spirited and convivial UN Day commemoration in Wau, children from different schools stole the show by advocating for peace, development and, of course, education for all. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections constitution police station protection site malakal Upper Nile

In Malakal, an UNMISS-funded and newly constructed police post is expected to improve security and boosting the rule of law in and around the protection site for internally displaced persons. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections constitution patrol security peacekeepers remote area Sudan crisis returnees humanitarian

Committed UNMISS peacekeepers recently visited remote Timsaha, where some 5,000 community members reside peacefully. Their aim: To build confidence before this tranquil border settlement faces an influx of returnees fleeing the Sudan crisis. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections constitution civil society eastern Equatoria transitional justice rule of law peace agreement

At a two-day workshop in Nimule, Eastern Equatoria, 40 community leaders and civil society representatives were sensitized on key transitional justice provisions contained within the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

There was lots of joy on display in Wau when UNMISS handed over a new one-stop centre where survivors of sexual and other gender-based violence will receive assistance. Photo: Michael Wondi/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan peace security elections wau united nations un peacekeeping civic space votes polling

In Wau, a landmark forum hosted by UNMISS brought together state authorities, political parties, high-ranking security officials and civil society to discuss shared peace and security goals, including widespread civic engagement, ahead of South Sudan's first national elections next December. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS
