
peacebuilding unmiss rumbek grassroots reconciliation peace south sudan peacekeeping culture

A two-day event in Rumbek, Lakes state, brought together two communities who were former foes in friendship and amity. Photo by Emmanuel Menwon/UNMISS.

unmiss human rights wau civil society south sudan united nations capacity building

Civil society is the conscience of a nation. UNMISS, therefore, recently trained some 25 civil society representatives in Wau on upholding human rights for all. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

UNMISS cattle livestock migration herders women farmers pastoralists semi-nomadic Wau Kuajok south sudan cattle migration western bahr el ghazal conflict peacekeeping united nations undp fao unmiss Marial Bai Agreement

A recent conference in Kuajok organized jointly by UNMISS, UNDP, FAO, and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund aims at predicting and preventing conflict that frequently arise between farmers and pastoralists during the annual cattle migration season in South Sudan. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

unmiss protection of civilians quick impact projects IDPs Bentiu unity state peacekeeping united nations

UNMISS recently handed over a newly-constructed office to the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, the primary body in charge of addressing issues related to the nearly 180,000 people living in the Internally Displaced Person's camp here. The building was funded through the UNMISS Quick Impact Projects programme. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS.

unmiss revitalized peace agreement peacebuilding grassroots partnership south sudan eastern equatoria county commissioners torit peacekeeping protection of civilians rule of law

UNMISS, in collaboration with the state government of Eastern Equatoria, recently held a solution-focused dialogue to help address challenges faced by local authorities at the county-level in mitigating conflict and building peace at the grassroots. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS.
