
unmiss south sudan protection of civilians child soldiers humanitarian partners Yambio peacekeepers peacekeeping vocational skills reintegration

With newly-acquired skills courtesy a six-month vocational training programme, Malis*, a former child soldier, has started a carpentry workshop in Yambio where he uses his talents to produce necessary items for the local community at affordable rates.

unmiss south sudan protection of civilians engineers radio coronavirus COVID-19 Bor Pibor mobile awareness raising

On 22 April 2020, UNMISS launched a month-long mobile awareness-raising campaign in Jonglei and the greater Pibor area on simple but effective steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The campaign is being broadcast through local radio stations in different languages and disseminated via speakers mounted on vehicles moving through different towns and villages.

unmiss south sudan protection of civilians engineers road repairs humanitarian assistance floods Malakal peacekeepers peacekeeping

Floods caused by heavy rainfall destroyed a main road intersection connecting Bunj and Melut in the Khor Adar area of Malakal, causing great distress to local communities. UNMISS peacekeepers repaired the main junction to restore connections between these two major towns.
