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20 February 2013 - The South Sudanese government should develop a new roadmap for a lasting solution for ending conflict in Jonglei State, the head of UNMISS said in Pibor today.
19 February 2013 - On a two-day mission to Jonglei, the United Nations chief in South Sudan, Hilde F. Johnson, urged the different communities today to end the cycle of violence in the state.
Local boy and member of Mongolian contingent deployed in Bentiu, Unity State. As of 19 February 2013, UNMISS military personnel consists of 6,478 troops and 142 Military Liaison Officers from 50 contributing countries. Photo: UNMISS/Isaac Billy.
15 February 2013 – Familiarizing himself with UN Police work and achievements, newly appointed South Sudan National Police Services Inspector General Pieng Kuol met with UNMISS Police Commissioner Fred Yiga today at UN House in Juba.
15 February 2013 - It was important for South Sudanese to participate in the making of their constitution, a civil society representative said in Unity state today.
7 February 2013 - Nine months after starting work in Bor's state hospital, the World Health Organization (WHO) handed over a fully equipped maternity ward to Jonglei State health authorities today.
15 February 2013 - UNMISS was having extensive talks with the South Sudanese government on early conflict warning systems, but also faced challenges in detecting threats, the mission's head said in Juba today.
14 February 2013 - Seeking to make information about investment in South Sudan more accessible, a conference about a planned investment guide book was held today in the Western Bahr El-Ghazal capital Wau.
15 February 2013 - Visiting his country's peacekeeping troops in South Sudan, Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj arrived in the Unity State capital of Bentiu today.
Residents learning to survey during Land Act workshop hosted by UN Development Programme (UNDP), UNMISS, Norwegian Refugee Committee and state Ministry of Physical Infrastructure from 11 to 14 February in Kuajok, Warrap State.