
unmiss upper nile state south sudan malakal kodok india peacekeepers un medals women

A proud day in Major Jasmine Chattha's life. She led the parade of her fellow Indian engineering troops at the ceremony where they were awarded UN medals. Photos: Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western bahr el ghazal wau farmers bangladesh seeds tools food security

Bangladeshi peacekeepers handing over seeds and tools to farmers in Western Bahr El Ghazal, aiming to increase food security in the state. Photos: Michael Wondi/UNMISS

unmiss south korea peace roads engineers development protection of civilians bor Jonglei south sudan peacekeepers united nations UN peacekeeping

To enable community connections and peaceful coexistence, UNMISS engineers from South Korea have begun constructing a 115-kilometer stretch of road between Pibor and Labrab, despite ongoing conflict in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS

unmiss women peace security eastern equatoria elections parliament caucus united nations un peacekeeping

The recent launch of a women's parliamentary caucus within Eastern Equatoria's State Legislative Assembly is designed to be a tangible signal to women across Eastern Equatoria – whether in their neighbourhoods, their larger communities, or as political actors – that their experiences are valid and the caucus is a safe space to build supportive networks so that they can achieve their full potential as changemakers. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS
