
unmiss south sudan unity state ghana contingent peacekeepers un medals bentiu protection of civilians outstanding service outreach activities

Female troops are key to the peacekeeping efforts of Ghana's contingent in Unity State. They, and their male colleagues, were recently awarded medals for their great performance. Photos: Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan upper nile state malaka india vets contingent peacekeepers cows goats donkeys animals free clinic

Prized assets and companions, and their owners, gathered en masse when UNMISS peacekeepers from India offered free veterinarian services to communities in and around Renk.

unmiss UNMISS south sudan magwi farmers herders conflict patrol united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

Recent conflict between farmers and herders in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria, has led to loss of lives, property and widespread displacement. An UNMISS patrol team visited numerous areas in Magwi county to evaluate the security situation and speak with affected communities. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

UNMISS south sudan capacity building peacebuilding traditional leaders CEPO partners peace trust reconciliation Wau south sudan

UNMISS, in partnership with civil society entity Community for Progress Organization (CEPO) and the state Ministry of Local Government and Law Enforcement, held an interactive county-level forum in Western Bahr El Ghazal designed to empower traditional leaders from three counties to resolve disputes, mitigate conflict and build peace from the grassroots. Photo by Jimmy Ludanga/UNMISS.

unmiss grassroots peacekeeping peacebuilding upper nile malakal peace agreement civil affairs south sudan united nations

When community leaders from five counties agree to leave their differences behind and build peace together, it is cause to rejoice. That's exactly what happened at a joint forum by UNMISS and the state government in Malakal, Upper Nile. Photo by Luka Athiel/UNMISS.

unmiss peacekeepers leer protection of civilians Muon SSPDF displacement humanitarian evacuation violence armed attacks unity state peacekeeping ghana

Following an upsurge of violence in Leer last week, UNMISS peacekeepers from Ghana have stepped up their on ground presence and patrols. File Photo by Roseline Nkwelle/UNMISS.
