UNITY STATE – The landing of a helicopter at a remote peacekeeping base in Koch, South Sudan, signified a pivotal moment for the local community.

Some helicopters are more important than others, like this one, belonging to UNMISS and delivering justice to Koch. Photo by Peter Bateman/UNMISS.

Recently and significantly improved relations between Lou Nuer and Murle communities are living proof of the wisdom of the old adage "if at first you don't succeed, try again." Photos by Khalif Farah & Islam Fady/UNMISS

With moving testimonies of their own experiences as former underage combatants and concrete courses of action, 50 South Sudanese uniformed personnel and allied interlocuters pledge to uphold child rights at an UNMISS workshop in Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

In Mundri west, teachers, students, parents and members of the South Sudan National Police Service came together at an UNMISS-facilitated workshop on human rights. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS