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12 November 2012 - During his last day in the mission, UNMISSForce Commander Major General Moses Bisong Obi said farewellduring a ceremony at headquarters todayin Juba. Maj. Gen. Obi joined UNMISS in June 2010.
When Teresa Daniel Surur asked her children to quit their jobs in the South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) and go back to school, she based the advice on her own experience.
6 November 2012 - Highlighting the importance of relations between soldiers and civilians, UNMISS military met with Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) officers today in Bentiu, Unity State.
1 November 2012 - South Sudanese journalists and representatives of local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) today criticized two key provisions in an information bill at a public hearing in Juba.
5 November 2012 - Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) violated a victim's dignity and human rights and are unacceptable in the UN system, an UNMISS official said today in Juba.
2 November - In a continuing effort to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, UNMISS concluded a 10-day training on the pandemic for counselors today in Bor, Jonglei State.
Juba, 04 November - UNMISS recently received official communication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of South Sudan ordering one of its Human Rights Officers to leave the country within 48 hours.
2 November 2012 - Training prisons officers to use established laws helped create an environment promoting peace and development in South Sudan, UNMISS Western Bahr El-Ghazal Acting State Coordinator said today in the capital Wau.
3 November 2012 - South Sudanese government officials, lawmakers and journalists exchanged sharply differing views on provisions of pending media laws during the final day of public hearings on three bills currently before the country's National Legislative Assembly (NLA).
30 October 2012 - The South Sudanese military was now a professional army and must instill international human rights into its behaviour and operations, an area commander said today in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal.