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25 October 2012 - South Sudan must embed global human rights in its laws to ensure the national parliament respected and followed them, an UNMISS official said in Juba today.
31 October 2012 – As part of an ongoing community outreach programme in Unity State, UNMISS military liaison officers recently donated books and toys to children admitted to Bentiu Hospital's paediatric ward.
When 11-year old MakerMalueth discovered his family could no longer pay school fees or provide food for him, he sought refuge in the Sudan People's Liberation Army.
18 October 2012 – Taking action to tackle crimes against women and children, the South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) in Upper Nile state launched a Special Protection Unit today.
24 October 2012 – Pledging to do more to make a difference in South Sudan, the United Nations across the country today participated in commemorating UN Day.
Juba, 24 October 2012 - Thousands of UN staff took part today in a series of nationwide ceremonies and events with South Sudanese partners to celebrate UN Day. The day marks the commitment and the dedication of the UN family to support peace and development in South Sudan.
16 October 2012 – Nine local farmers with the best agricultural produce from Western Bahr El-Ghazal will travel to Juba and then China to learn improved farming methods, the state government's Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Irrigation said today.
11 October 2012 - Children singing South Sudanese national anthem today at Confident Children out of Conflict Orphanage on International Day of the Girl Child in Juba.
10 October 2012 - To boost awareness of UNMISS' role in supporting peace, the mission held a workshop today in Pibor, Jonglei State, for 72 traditional chiefs, youth leaders, women and county officials.
Juba, 11 October 2012 – On the International Day of the Girl Child 2012, commemorated for the first time, the UN calls on families, communities and governments at all levels to end child marriage in South Sudan.