
unmiss stand up for peace concert music united nations peace reconciliation south sudan yambio

In Yambio, South Sudan, a peace concert organized by UNMISS and the state government wasn't merely a fantastic show. It also gave hope to concert goers that peace and unity in this young nation are a priority for leaders and communities alike. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western bahr el ghazal wau unpol ssnps capacity building crime investigation

Investigating crimes is a key policing skill. UN Police in Wau recently taught a group of South Sudanese colleagues more about how to go about it. Photos: Jimmy Ludanga/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan peace reconciliation cattle rates white nile sobat intercommunal clashes revenge attacks coexistence upper nile baliet ulang civil affairs united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

A reinvigorated commitment to ending conflict and promoting peace - these were the main takeaways from a three-day dialogue-based forum organized by UNMISS and peace partners in remote Ulang, Upper Nile, bringing together feuding communities from three counties. Photo by Nyang Touch/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan northern bahr el ghazal state aweil income generation vocational training liquid soap empowerment

Liquid soap production in progress as graduates from a vocational skill training in Aweil showcased their know-how. Photo: Deng Mou/UNMISS
