
unmiss bentiu floods nicholas haysom pakistan IOM south sudan crisis climate change

Suffering from the worst floods in almost a century, Bentiu, Unity state, is in the midst of a crisis. While all international and local actors are pooling in their reserves, much more needs to be done if suffering communities will have a fighting chance of rebuilding their lives. Photo by Francesca Mold/UNMISS.

unmiss 16 days of activism women peace security south sudan gender equality tambura volleyball ethiopia un peacekeeping

UNMISS is using sports events to bring together community members in the conflict-affected Tambura region of Western Equatoria and promote peaceful coexistence. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS

UNMISS Nicholas Haysom Press Conference Juba Protection of Civilians Constitution Election

The UN Secretary-General's Special Representative and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, held a press conference in South Sudan's capital, Juba, today, and called for increased energy and collective political will for a durable, sustained peace to prevail in the world's youngest nation. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS

unmiss volunteers un volunteers tree planting

Across South Sudan, UN Volunteers serving with UNMISS teamed up with Red Cross South Sudan to plant fruit trees. The objective: To contribute to preserving the environment and increase food security. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS.
