
unmiss south sudan malakal upper nile state traditional justice formal justice chiefs authority female representation

When local chiefs met in Malakal to discuss how traditional and formal justice can work together, the question of female representation among local community leadership structures. Photos: Nyang Touch/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians farmers herders armed attacks Magwi eastern equatoria peacekeepers displacement IDPs UN United Nations south sudan

Disputes between farming communities in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria, and cattle herders have led to some 3,000 people reportedly being displaced last week. UNMISS is stepping up engagements with local, state and national authorities as well as working with humanitarian partners to reduce tensions and reestablish calm.

UNMISS quick impact projects veterinary clinic melut upper nile protection of civilians South Sudan peacekeepers peacekeeping

UNMISS has handed over a veterinary clinic in Melut, through its Quick Impact Projects programme. The main objectives: To enable livestock owners receive proper treatment for their animals and promote peaceful coexistence. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians Bangladesh Chief of Army Staff Action for Peacekeeping South Sudan Wau Juba

From 18-23 February 2021, General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed, visited UNMISS to inspect Bangladesh's troop contributions and its role in helping build a lasting peace in the world's newest country.

UNMISS China protection of civilians road repairs rainy season engineers peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping reconciliation trade

Chinese engineers deployed with UNMISS in Warrap, South Sudan, have begun repairing the 120-kilometer road connecting Tonj town to Romich. Once completed, the road is expected to boost trade, enable communities to have better access to education and healthcare as well as enable the UN Peacekeeping mission to address potential conflict swiftly. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians Eastern Equatoria displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping peace farmers conflict herders

An UNMISS patrol recently visted Kudo Central in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, to speak with communities from Lowoi who recently sought refuge here after being displaced by conflict between farming communities and herders. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS
