
women peace security south sudan revitalized peace agreement security sector reforms UNMISS peacekeepers peacekeeping United Nations UN peacebuilding Malakal

Twenty-eight key security actors in Malakal, Upper Nile, were trained on gender equality and their role in preventing violence against women by UNMISS and UN Women. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS.

UNMISS women peace security equal representation South Sudan Western Equatoria UNPOL child protection SGBV

Twenty women from two counties in Western Equatoria come together to discuss issues related to women's protection, human rights and the role played by UNMISS as well as local law enforcement in establishing a durable peace. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

UNMISS women gender-based violence SGBV Bor protection peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping human rights

A three-day UNMISS workshop in Bor, Jonglei, sought to empower local rule of law actors to deal with cases related to violence against women effectively and efficiently. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS

unmiss ruweng mongolia protection of civilians mandate pariang peacekeepers united nations south sudan peacekeeping

60 participants drawn from a cross-section of local authorities and influencers, including women and youth, in Ruweng Administrative Area attended an awareness raising session facilitated by UNMISS to inform stakeholders about its mandate in South Sudan and build public trust. Photo by Jacob Ruai/UNMISS.

unmiss unity state floods bentiu rubkona pakistan ghana emergency response peacekeepers mongolia south sudan

Extraordinary crises bring about extraordinary solidarity. That's what's happening in Unity state where UNMISS, humanitarian partners and the state government have joined together to save people's lives and livelihoods during the worst flooding the region has witnessed in 60 years.
