
unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura press release protection of civilians patrolling enable humanitarian action

Frequent patrols in the Western Equatorian area currently experiencing unrest is one of many actions by UNMISS to deter violence and protect civilians. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver & Felix Katie/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura ezo wau idps protection of civilians patrols ethiopian peacekeepers

UNMISS peacekeepers from Ethiopia guarding church premises in Tambura where internally displaced persons are seeking protection from ongoing violence. Photos: Felix Katie/UNMISS

Working in partnership with the South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network and generous donors, the Mission hosted a two-day workshop for young women members of the reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly to build their capacity.

Working in partnership with the South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network and donors, UNMISS hosted a workshop for young female members of parliament to build their capacity. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura ezo protection of civilians children humanitarian assistance internally displaced persons

Peacekeepers patrolling the road between Tambura and Ezo. Some 17,000 of the estimated 40,000 people who have fled violence in Tambura have made their way to Ezo. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS
