
unmiss protection of civilians child rights children unicef south sudan child soldiers juba child protection

Some 60 members of South Sudanese armed forces were sensitized on implementing the action plan to end grave violations against children at a two-day workshop facilitated by UNMISS in the country's capital, Juba. Photo by Martin Mariaka/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians UNPOL community policing law and order capacity building warrap

UNPOL officers deployed to UNMISS in Warrap recently conducted a refresher training on policing for 12 of their national counterparts in Warrap. The objective is for these officers to trickle down their learning to other colleagues. Photo by Peter Kuol/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians UNPOL community policing law and order child abductions torit eastern equatoria

Following a spate of child abductions, UNPOL and the South Sudan Police Service in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, are sensitizing Police Community Relations Committees here on reporting any suspicious activity in their neighbourhoods promptly to local authorities to keep their children safe from harm. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians UNPOL community policing Warrap south sudan

A day-long community policing workshop facilitated by UNPOL officers in Warrap has gone a long way in building trust between community members and local police, according to the 33 participants who attended. Photo by Peter Kuol/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians Wau Western Bahr el Ghazal south sudan quick impct projects

UNMISS recently refurbished a police station in Awiel Jedid, Wau, as part of its Quick Impact Project's programme, ensuring law and order in the area receives a much-needed boost. Photo by Michael Wondi/UNMISS.

south sudan women equality gender parity UNMISS united nations civil society politics peace security

The need for full and equal participation of women in all forms of political and civic life in South Sudan cannot be overemphasized. In this regard, visiting Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix met with a cross section of women's representatives during his recent visit here. He also spent time with top women peacekeepers deployed to UNMISS to understand some of the challenges they face in executing the mission's mandate. Photo by Francesca Mold/UNMISS.

UNMISS Jean-Pierre Lacroix peace operations south sudan humanitarian peacekeeping elections women conflict peace united nations

The Under-Secretary-General for UN peace operations, Jean Pierre-Lacroix, wrapped up his four-day peace mission to South Sudan by assuring the citizens of the world's youngest nation full support from peacekeepers and humanitarians alike as they navigate the difficult road from war to peace. Photo by Francesca Mold/UNMISS.
