
UNMISS South Sudan Peacekeepers Malakal COVID-19 Coronavirus Peacekeeping frontline workers

Dr. Maher Botros, an UNPOL Community Police Officer from Egypt, has gone beyond the call of duty supporting UNMISS personnel, displaced persons and local law enforcement counterparts in Malakal during the COVID-19 crisis.

UNMISS gender affairs gender equality peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping UNSCR 1325

Margret Modong Joshua, a Gender Affairs Officer with UNMISS, has dedicated the past 14 years of her life to work tirelessly for the upliftment of women and girls in South Sudan.

Juba, 23 July 2020: A fresh outbreak of fighting in the troubled Jonglei region of South Sudan has forced thousands of families to flee their homes and seek sanctuary next to the United Nations base in Pibor.

23 Jul 2020
UNMISS community engagement Wau veterinary cattle livestock COVID-19 Coronavirus peacekeeping Bangladesh peacekeepers South Sudan

UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh vaccinate livestock and distribute hygiene kits among local communities in Wau to ensure the safety of people and their animals during COVID-19.
