
unmiss south sudan protection of civilians engineers radio coronavirus COVID-19 Bor Pibor mobile awareness raising

On 22 April 2020, UNMISS launched a month-long mobile awareness-raising campaign in Jonglei and the greater Pibor area on simple but effective steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The campaign is being broadcast through local radio stations in different languages and disseminated via speakers mounted on vehicles moving through different towns and villages.

unmiss south sudan bentiu protection of civilians COVID-19 humanitarian security UNPOL armed robberies displaced persons IDPs patrols police

Hiroko Hirahara, Head of the UNMISS Field Office in Bentiu, pictured meeting representatives of displaced persons from the UNMISS Protection of Civilians site in Bentiu as well as national authorities to discuss joint measures for curbing rising criminality in and around the site. The meeting took place on 17 April 2020.
