
Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers Romich Radio Miraya checkpoint transmitter information service communication

Residents of Romich lived in near isolation with no reliable phone service, radio and often impassable roads, until UNMISS peacekeepers negotiated their way through armed checkpoints to install a new Radio Miraya transmitter, bringing information and peacebuilding to delighted communities. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers peace justice accountability mobile court Renk

An #UNMISS-supported mobile court in Renk convicted 42 offenders of crimes, including murder and rape, while 20 were acquitted or had their cases dismissed. The initiative is helping instill confidence in communities that fair trials are possible, and perpetrators will be held accountable. Photo by Nektarios Markogiannis/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections outreach security economic community leaders chiefs youth leaders elders sustainable peace

Community leaders, including chiefs, women, youth leaders, and elders, gathered at an UNMISS outreach event to discuss concerns about the security and economic situation as well as steps needed to secure sustainable peace. Photo by James Sokiri/James Ohisa/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers youth vocational training sustainable development rice production Bor South Korea

In Bor, Jonglei State, 16 students, including four women, graduated from a four-month agriculture training course focused on sustainable rice production at Dr. John Garang Memorial University. The project is supported by UNMISS Korean peacekeepers. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS.

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections Magwi conflict social cohesion security situation displaced people return home

Despite many challenges, UNMISS peacekeepers reached communities caught up in catastrophic conflict in Magwi to assess the security situation, engage with local authorities to prevent further conflict, and help create conditions for up to 20,000 displaced people to safely return home. Photo by Yakudu Moses/UNMISS.
