
UNMISS recovery resilience civil society Wau South Sudan peace process Protection of Civilians

A recent forum organized by UNMISS in Wau brought together civil society organisations, women's representatives, youth, local business people and other stakeholders for a fruitful discussion on ways to bolster recovery and resilience among communities living here. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

International Women's Day UNMISS South Sudan Radio Miraya

Despite COVID-19 lockdowns, women across South Sudan came together to discuss the importance of including women in politics, peacebuilding and post-pandemic recovery efforts through talk shows held on Radio Miraya during the month of March. These radio shows were held to commemorate International Women's Day.

UNMISS protection of civilians road repairs rainy season engineers peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping reconciliation trade

Peacekeepers from seven different countries are repairing some 3,200 kilometers of roads and main supply routes across the world’s newest country. Improved roadways are expected to boost communication, trade and reconciliation among communities. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping UNPOL

Dorothy Nyambe from Zambia leads a team of 27 United Nations Police officers at the UNMISS field office in Bor, South Sudan. Photo by Gideon Sackitey/UNMISS.

UNMISS COVID-19 peacekeepers peacekeeping South Sudan Women's Day Female Prisoners Prisons Peacekeepers UNPOL Wau

On International Women's Day, civilian and uniformed peacekeepers in Wau came together to sensitize female prisoners in Wau Central Prison on how to prevent and mitigate COVID-19. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians children peacekeepers South Sudan peace music orphans education

Most of the children living at St. Clare orphanage in Juba lost their parents during South Sudan's civil war. UNMISS peacekeepers have been supporting the children as well as schools near the UN base as part of a long-term project to raise money for food, school fees, and other basic needs. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS.

UNMISS sustainable energy solar power Quick Impact Projects Peacekeeping Peacekeepers South Sudan

Community members seeking medical attention at the Panyagor primary healthcare centre will now benefit from solar energy as UNMISS together with implementing partner Impact Action recently installed solar panels at the centre to ensure uninterrupted power supply for patients. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS.
