
UNMISS protection of civilians women's rights gender equality peacekeepers Yambio Western Equatoria South Sudan peacekeeping

A day-long forum, organized by the UNMISS Gender Unit in partnership with the state ministry for Gender, Children and Social Welfare in Yambio, Western Equatoria, drew some 50 participants from civil society organisations, faith-based groups, local politicians and community members. The workshop aimed at strengthening women’s voices in decision-making within the political and social spectrum of the state. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians conflict Maban Upper Nile displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping peace reconciliation cattle raids

As part of ongoing efforts to promote peace and reconciliation among local communities across South Sudan, Leda Limann, Head of Office, UNMISS Malakal, recently visited Maban county, in the Bunj area of Upper Nile state. Photo by Janet Adongo/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians livestock protection animal health veterinary camp cattle  peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Malakal World Veterinary Day

A free veterinary camp for livestock owners and training sessions for animal health workers in Malakal were organized by Indian veterinarians from UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic Kuajok peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping

An UNMISS handover of masks, aprons and radio sets is expected to ensure local food vendors in Kuajok stay safe and healthy during the ongoing pandemic, while communities visiting the market here have access to latest information on COVID-19. Photo by Manyang Mayom/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians Women Peace Security WPS peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping gender

A three-day advocacy skills training facilitated by the UNMISS Gender Unit drew participants from civil society, local women’s associations and other women’s groups in Central Equatoria, South Sudan. Similar workshops are planned for all 10 states in the world's youngest nation.

UNMISS protection of civilians veterinary Bangladesh peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Wau medicines animals livestock

Thanks to Bangladeshi peacekeepers serving with UNMISS, livestock owners in and around Wau have received not only veterinary assistance but also education on breeding healthy animals. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians mandate Member State peacekeepers Eastern Equatoria South Sudan peacekeeping Government

Partnerships for durable peace was the overarching message reinforced at an awareness-raising session for state government officials conducted by UNMISS in Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians human rights religious leaders Yambio peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Western Equatoria

20 representatives from faith-based organisations in Yambio, Western Equatoria, now have a thorough understanding of protecting and promoting human rights, thanks to an UNMISS-facilitated workshop. Photo by Martin Siba/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians detainees human rights prisons hygiene humane treatment peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Aweil

Detainees in three police stations in Northern Bahr el Ghazal will now have clean surroundings to live in thanks to a two-week clean-up campaign run by 25 South Sudanese police officers in the state with support from UNPOL. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians Quick Impact Project QIPs Aweil peacebuilding peacekeeping South Sudan Northern Bahr El Ghazal prisons human rights prisoners inmates

Inmates serving their sentences in Wanyijok Prison in Aweil East county, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, can finally look forward to more humane treatment due to an UNMISS-facilitated construction of a brand-new prison facility. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS.
