
unmiss south sudan jonglei bor indian peacekeepers artificial limbs war veterans life-changing

A woman in Bor receives an artificial leg years after she lost her own. The Indian peacekeepers helped many in a similar situation by distributing prosthetic limbs. Photos: Mach Samuel & Gideon Sackitey/UNMISS

unmiss warrap state gogrial west county primary school bore holes quick impact projects

VIPs, and a dog, heading to inspect the new school in Gogrial West County as it is handed over by UNMISS. Photos: Zejin Yin/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state kapoeta north cattle raiding revenge attacks fact-finding mission

UNMISS and representatives of the Eastern Equatoria State government engaging with conflict-affected communities in Kapoeta North. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS
