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Peacekeepers in Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area have received UN medals in recognition of their outstanding efforts in promoting and sustaining peace in South Sudan. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/Mach Samuel/Achol Kur Marial Kur.
JONGLEI - While giving medals to uniformed peacekeepers may appear to be a standard procedure, it is an act that carries profound meaning.
A grassroots event organized in Gudele West in Juba recently provided residents with an opportunity to discuss and learn more about current political developments. Photo by Blessings Samuel Phumisa/UNMISS.
JUBA - Gudele West is one of the capital’s densely populated neighbourhoods on the western bank of the Nile.
Following a visit by an UNMISS delegation, the Governor of Western Equatoria State ordered military personnel to leave schools, leading to one of them being vacated and two children released from armed groups. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.
Across South Sudan, children continue to be caught in the crossfire of conflict, losing their lives, being maimed, displaced from their homes, unable to go to school or access healthcare, and forcibly recruited into armed groups.
The good people of Tambura are likely to be wearing smarter outfits than ever before with a batch of tailors having just graduated for a vocational skills training. Photos: Denis Louro/UNMISS
WESTERN EQUATORIA - Excitement was in the air among the youth in Tambura when they recently, after three months of concerted efforts, finished a livelihood skills training.
In Warrap State, more than 60 traditional court actors participated in a workshop on how to align customary laws, human rights and the formal justice system. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.
WARRAP—In Tonj North and Tonj South, more than 60 traditional court actors recently took part in a pivotal training on ways to modernize customary laws and integrate them with the formal justice system to better protect the rights of
At a recent outreach event organized by UNMISS and peace partners in the Juba neighbourhood of Muniki, residents asked pertinent questions about social and political developments in their country. Photo by Blessings Samuel Phumisa/UNMISS.
CENTRAL EQUATORIA - Cecilia Kiden Isaac, a 51-year-old educator in Juba, is passionate about empowering her community through education.
In Central Equatoria, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has initiated a "Community Sensitization and Civic Education Campaign" to promote grassroots engagement in political, peace and electoral processes. Photo by Ali Surur/UNMISS.
CENTRAL EQUATORIA - Durable peace is achieved when all citizens actively shape their country's future.
As part of the "Peace Begins with Dialogue" campaign, UNMISS helped unite communities in Ibba, Western Equatoria, around the common purpose of grassroots participation in constitution-making and electoral processes. Photo by Taban Geofrey/UNMISS.
WESTERN EQUATORIA - As South Sudan prepares for its first democratic elections as a sovereign state, a grassroots movement is emerging where people across the country are demanding the right to participate in the process, particularly
The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is urging political leaders to make critical political decisions and achieve key outstanding tasks in the peace deal to ensure the fourth extension of the transitional period is the last and tha