JUBA - “Community Conversations is one of the critical pillars for bridging the gap and bringing everyone together for diverse views to be heard, understood and appreciated.”

UNMISS partnered with political leaders and communities to launch a new inclusive, interactive show on Radio Miraya to ensure all voices are heard as South Sudan transitions from conflict to peace & democracy. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS.

To safeguard civilians, UNMISS trained 50 organized forces and community members in conflict-affected Tambura, Western Equatoria, to protect civilians, support reconciliation and cultivate peace. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS.

At an #UNMISS-hosted conference, stakeholders explored strategies to end cattle raiding and abductions and strengthen the rule of law for sustainable peace in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS.

UNMISS peacekeepers met Prophet Dak Kueth in Jonglei State to leverage his influence over youth to demobilize and prevent violence in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS.

To improve community mobility and ensure access to essential services, peacekeepers from Bangladesh serving in Eastern Equatoria are repairing a 98-kilometer road connecting Torit to Lafon. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS.

South Korean peacekeepers gifted more than 1,000 bars of soap, blankets, quilts, and intravenous fluids, essential for treating dehydration from cholera-related diarrhea, at an official ceremony at Bor Hospital. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS.