
UNMISS UN Day juba united nations humanitarian partners music peace

UNMISS and the UN Country Team organized a joyous, colorful celebration in Juba showcasing the rich cultural heritage of South Sudan as well as the committed UN personnel who work every day to reverse the effects of civil war, subnational violence and COVID-19 to help communities usher in an era of democracy, development and durable peace. Photo by Priyanka Chowdhury/UNMISS

UNMISS United Nations Volunteers UN Day South Sudan

Originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marko Miljevic joined UNMISS at a time when the country was emerging from the 2016 violence and beginning its long journey towards peace and recovery. As UN Day approaches, Marko reflects on the four years he has spent in the world's youngest nation. Photo by Marko Miljevic/UNMISS.

unmiss human rights eastern equatoria civil society south sudan united nations

Community leaders, civil society representatives and youth and women's groups in Eastern Equatoria were recently trained by UNMISS in forging close networks to document and report on human rights violations. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS.

unmiss COVID-19 peacekeepers prevention Coronavirus wau south sudan bangladesh

Peacekeepers from Bangladesh deployed with UNMISS in Wau, South Sudan, recently trained students at the Catholic Health Training Institute here on preventing and mitigating the effects of COVID-19. Photo by Alahayi Nemaya/UNMISS

UNMISS and Warrap state authorities recently visited conflict-ridden Tonj to listen to concerns raised by feuding communities and urge for peaceful reconciliation of disputes. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.

unmiss gender budget local communities central equatoria social welfare

The UNMISS Gender Unit recently supported a consultative workshop with the state Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare in Central Equatoria to give local development partners a bird's eye view of strategic planning mechanisms related to providing essential services to residents. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS

unmiss unpol medal parade nepal south sudan police peace security united nations un peacekeeping

Today, 23 UNPOL officers from Nepal received the UN medal for their service to the cause of durable peace in South Sudan at a meaningful ceremony held in the UNMISS headquarters in Juba. Photo by Yuppharat Pinkaew/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians UNPOL community policing law and order human rights torit eastern equatoria

Police Community Relations Committees help local police maintain law and order as well as respond efficiently to potential crime. 80 members of such Committees in Eastern Equatoria were recently trained by UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS on human rights and international humanitarian law.

unmiss floods unity state bentiu pakistan peace security local communities rainy season south sudan peacekeepers united nations

Braving snakes and swampy waters, UNMISS peacekeepers from Pakistan responded to an urgent call by state officials in Bentiu to help prevent massive flooding and displacement by constructing four kilometers of dykes. Photo by Captain Muhammad Junaid Ud Din/UNMISS.

youth peace security peaceful coexistence peace south sudan warrap kuajok unmiss peacekeeping united nations

UNMISS, UNDP and a host of local partners recently held a workshop for young people in Kuajok on identifying key drivers of conflict in the region and finding pathways to a peaceful dispute resolution. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS
