
unmiss women  youth northern bahr el ghazal political participation peace process revitalized peace agreement south sudan united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

At an UNMISS forum, women and young people in Northern Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan, have asked to be fully and meaningfully included in political and peace processes. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS

UNMISS 16 Days Quick Impact Project South Sudan united nations school education western equatoria peace stabilization

An UNMISS-funded project - the construction of a secondary school in remote Kediba, South Sudan - is expected to boost literacy rates, ensure girls and boys receive equal learning opportunities, and enable students to pursue higher education without having to move away from their homes. Photo by Martin Siba/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan jonglei bor south korea peacekeepers un medals engineering troops dykes roads

South Korean engineering troops serving with UNMISS in Jonglei recently received UN medals for their hard and high quality work. Photos: Gideon Sackitey & Mach Samuel/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura unpol training crime investigation women peace security 16 days of activism

Female police officers in Tambura want more women in their ranks. Most law enforcement agents at a recent training were men. Photos: Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan lakes state rumbek child protection paramount chiefs traditional leaders peace

Traditional leaders from five counties in Lakes State have been learning more about how to better prevent and report violations of children. Photo: James Mawien Manyuol/UNMISS

unmiss protection of civilians air patrol kuajok twic ajakuac peacekeepers peacekeeping united nations

During a recent air patrol conducted by the UN Peacekeeping mission, UNMISS, to Ajakuac in Twic county, Warrap state, Blue Helmets interacted with community members who are reeling from climate shocks and conflict. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

unmiss graduation of necessary unified forces nicholas haysom south sudan upper nile

Yesterday, 7,500 South Sudanese uniformed personnel across different security branches were unified under a single command umbrella in Upper Nile state. The graduation of Necessary Unified Forces is a key benchmark contained within the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan wau quick impact project protection of civilians return of idps human rights police station

The construction of a new police station is the latest addition to Quick Impact Projects funded by UNMISS in Western Bahr El Ghazal State. Photo: Michael Wondi/UNMISS

UNMISS UNPOL capacity building training SSNPS south sudan lakes rumbek peacekeeping united nations un peacekeeping

Fifty police officers from the South Sudan National Police Service participated in a comprehensive, three-day awareness raising workshop on the role of law enforcement personnel in preventing all forms of violence against women and girls. Photo by James Mawien Manyuol/UNMISS
