
UNMISS Force Commander Mohan Subramanian honour guard

UNMISS Force Commander, Lieutenant General Mohan Subramanian from India, assumed his duties in the world's largest United Nations Peacekeeping mission today and inspected an Honour Guard by peacekeepers from Rwanda, Ethiopia, China, Nepal and India. Photo by Priyanka Chowdhury/UNMISS

unmiss eastern equatoria recovery conflict cattle raids reconciliation resilience kapoeta toposa murle patrol united nations south sudan peacekeepers peacekeeping

A patrolling team of UNMISS peacekeepers recently visited communities reeling from cattle raids and revenge attacks in Kapoeta and Budi, Eastern Equatoria. With the normally peaceful fabric of life in tatters, people are calling on the UN Peacekeeping mission to begin reconciliation activities. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

UNMISS south sudan peacekeepers western equatoria humanitarian assistance

Patrolling UNMISS peacekeepers spent time with communities in remote Landili, Western Equatoria, to assess their security and humanitarian needs. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS.

UNPOL police UNMISS South Sudan Protection of Civilians Capacity Building United Nations Malakal sexual and gender-based violence violence against women community watch group

Some 160 members of the Community Watch Group, including 80 female community officers, at the UN Protection Site in Malakal, Upper Nile, have been trained by UNPOL on preventing and reporting on violence against women. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS.

UNMISS civil affairs women peacebuilding grassroots rumbek lakes aliamtoc reconciliation

Some 50 women from remote Aliamtoc-1 in Lakes state, South Sudan, came together at a three-day UNMISS-sponsored forum to discuss the role of women peacebuilders at the grassroots and how they contribute to bringing about progress and prosperity in the world's youngest nation. Photo by James Mawien Manyuol/UNMISS

UNMISS QIPS quick impact project magwi eastern equatoria peacekeeping UN united nations school education peacebuilding south sudan

A school refurbishment, funded by UNMISS and implemented through local partner Children Aid South Sudan, has given hope to community members of Kerepi in Magwi county, Eastern Equatoria, who have suffered greatly through civil war and persistent cattle migration related conflict. Now, happy parents are registering children for lessons in 2023. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS
