
UNMISS women peace interfaith religious leaders revitalized peace agreement south sudan

Some 80 leaders from faith-based communities across Juba came together at an UNMISS forum to discuss ways in which they can promote peaceful coexistence and shared national identity. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS

UNMISS sara beysolow nyanti humanitarian resident coordinator torit peace development triple nexus south sudan

Sara Beysolow Nyanti, UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident Coordinator for South Sudan had a busy but productive day on her maiden visit to Torit, Eastern Equatoria, where she met with key humanitarian, development and peace partners to discuss integrated approaches in boosting community resilience.

UNMISS women peace security equal representation South Sudan tambura peace  Western Equatoria peacekeeping gender un united nations

A cup of coffee and a safe place to share their stories: 250 women recently displaced by an upsurge of violence in Tambura, South Sudan, reveal how their harrowing experiences of conflict and loss have motivated them to become ambassadors for peace. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS

UNMISS UNPOL capacity building training SSNPS south sudan torit eastern equatoria peacekeeping united nations un peacekeeping

Some 20 South Sudanese police officers have been trained by UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS on important investigative techniques to build their capacities in protecting citizens more effectively. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS.

Following consistent conflict in 2020, which led to the deaths of 40 community members in a day, the people of remote Ulang county, Upper Nile, South Sudan, have taken on the onus of building sustainable peace and reconciliation from the grassroots. Photo by Nyang Touch/UNMISS.

UNMISS south sudan yambio community leaders justice rule of law civil affairs women

In an innovative workshop facilitated by UNMISS, jointly supported by government partners, community leaders and women's representatives from all 10 counties in Western Equatoria, South Sudan, met to enhance their knowledge of customary and formal justice systems as a way to promote peace among communities. Photo by Martin Siba/UNMISS

UNMISS South Sudan voluntary returns reintegration IDP internally displaced pefugees peacerersons

A unique workshop held by UNMISS in Mayom county, Unity state, sought to build collective will among community members to encourage those displaced by past conflicts to return to their original homes. Photo by Jacob Ruai/UNMISS.

UNMISS International Women's Day Malakal South Sudan Women Peace Security Women's History Month

In Malakal, local women's representatives make a strong case for enforcement of the 35 per cent women's representation in governance, decision-making and leadership roles, during a discussion held on the margins of International Women's Day. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS

unmiss international women's day womens history month south sudan aweil peacekeeping

In Northern Bahr El Ghazal, at a recent forum held on the margins of this week’s International Women’s Day, women have called for stronger laws against perpetrators of sexually motivated violence as well as underaged or forced marriages. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS.
