
UNMISS UN Volunteers Peacekeeping peacekeepers South Sudan rule of law

Yashaswini Mittal, a United Nations Volunteer with UNMISS, works as a Judicial Affairs Officer with the mission’s Rule of Law Section. In the picture, Yashaswini and her colleagues hold up t-shirts during the annual commemoration of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence in Juba, South Sudan, with Judge Advocates from the Military Justice Directorate of the SSPDF.

UNMISS South Sudan Peacekeepers Malakal COVID-19 Coronavirus Peacekeeping frontline workers

Dr. Maher Botros, an UNPOL Community Police Officer from Egypt, has gone beyond the call of duty supporting UNMISS personnel, displaced persons and local law enforcement counterparts in Malakal during the COVID-19 crisis.

UNMISS gender affairs gender equality peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping UNSCR 1325

Margret Modong Joshua, a Gender Affairs Officer with UNMISS, has dedicated the past 14 years of her life to work tirelessly for the upliftment of women and girls in South Sudan.
