
Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers QIP Quick Impact Projects solar police station cattle migration

An UNMISS handover of a strategically located, solar-powered police station in Kayongo, South Sudan, has brought hope to some 16,000 residents who have, in the past, been greatly affected by conflicts arising due to seasonal cattle migration. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS.

unmiss AIDS HIV prevention rumbek lakes south sudan protection

To dispel myths surrounding HIV/AIDS and raise public awareness, UNMISS and Lakes state’s HIV/AIDS Commission facilitated a 10-day for some 26 participants. Peer education, HIV prevention strategies, including safe sex practices and understanding condom use were some key aspects. Vitally, sessions touched upon how stigma and discrimination can hinder the lives of people living with the disease. Photo by James Mawien/UNMISS

unmiss elections south sudan democracy journalists reporters media civil society voting women polls protection of civilians un united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers western bahr el ghazal human rights civic space political undp

A three-day workshop by the UN aimed to raise awareness among 25 diverse stakeholders in Western Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan, on legal frameworks governing elections, gender considerations, disability rights and barriers to equal access. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers Quick Impact project market economy livelihood income women family vegetables

An UNMISS-funded women's vegetable market in Western Equatoria has brought joy and hope to thousands of residents, making a significant impact given the current economic situation. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

unmiss peacekeepers day pkday international day of un peacekeepers south sudan

CENTRAL EQUATORIA: Almost 18,000 United Nations peacekeepers work in partnership with the Government and communities across South Sudan to help the world newest nation navigate the difficult path from war to peace. Their contribution was recognized during ceremonies held in Juba and other locations around the country on the 76th International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS

unmiss rule of law criminal justice south sudan un united nations peacekeepers peacekeeping bor jonglei

A two-day workshop hosted by UNMISS in Bor brought together some 40 participants to discuss ways and means to strengthen the criminal justice chain. Photo by Achol Kur/UNMISS
