
unmiss south sudan jonglei greater pibor administrative area lou nuer murle intercommunal violence improved relations trade cattle raiding abductions markets protection of civilians reconciliation peace dialogue

Recently and significantly improved relations between Lou Nuer and Murle communities are living proof of the wisdom of the old adage "if at first you don't succeed, try again." Photos by Khalif Farah & Islam Fady/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers UNMAS clearance mine Amadi deminer explosive hazards life saving

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) responded swiftly when residents in Amadi in Eastern Equatoria State suspected the presence of explosive remnants of war in their community, preventing them from farming. Photo by Fares Aouadi/UNMISS.

unmiss child protection child rights peace peacekeeping south sudan peacekeepers torit united nations eastern equatoria maim kill soldier

With moving testimonies of their own experiences as former underage combatants and concrete courses of action, 50 South Sudanese uniformed personnel and allied interlocuters pledge to uphold child rights at an UNMISS workshop in Eastern Equatoria. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan jonglei akobo intercommunal violence protection of civilians returnees internally displaced persons humanitarian

When UNMISS and South Sudanese authorities visited remote Walgak, they found a rapidly growing community facing multiple serious challenges. Photos: Mach Samuel/UNMISS

Peace South Sudan UNMISS UN peacekeeping peacekeepers elections constitution peace dialogue high-level conference Kapoeta resolutions stakeholders partner

UNMISS and the state government of Eastern Equatoria organized a high-level conference in Kapoeta to address the reasons behind the delay in implementing resolutions agreed-on at previous peace dialogues. Photos by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS.
