
unmiss un country team floods jonglei arafat jamal delegation bor pibor south sudan

A high-level delegation, led by the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Arafat Jamal, visited Jonglei state to get a first-hand look at the dire humanitarian situation caused by massive floods. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS

UNMISS UN Day Malakal marathon united nations humanitarian partners peace handicrafts

A mini-marathon, a volleyball match and a handicrafts display - these were the highlights of a camaraderie-filled UN Day in Malakal. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS.

unmiss protection of civilians mandate leadership eastern equatoria peace south sudan

UNMISS peacekeepers consistently engage with host communities and authorities to explain the mission's mandated goals as it works to help build a durable peace across South Sudan. At a recent such interactive session in Eastern Equatoria, participants were taken through the gamut of the UN Peacekeeping mission's interventions on promoting human rights, gender equality, child protection, plus the role played by peacekeepers in building trust, confidence and keeping all communities safe during conflict. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

unmiss child protection child rights peace peacekeeping south sudan peacekeepers cantonment central equatoria

60 South Sudanese military officers were trained in upholding the rights of children and ensuring that they are fully protected during armed conflict. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS.

UNMISS UN Day yei united nations humanitarian partners music peace

Communities, local authorities and UN personnel in Greater Yei came together in a fun-filled celebration of the 76th anniversary of the United Nations. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS.

unmiss child protection child rights peace peacekeeping south sudan peacekeepers torit eastern equatoria

South Sudanese military commanders in Eastern Equatoria renew their pledge to end all violations of child rights at a joint session provided by UNMISS and state authorities on protecting children during armed conflict. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS
