
unmiss peace day bentiu unity state south sudan peacekeepers peacekeeping united nations

Commemorations for Peace Day in Unity state harnessed the power of music, poetry, drama and speeches by young people to galvanize support for durable security and stability. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS.

unmiss revitalized peace agreement kuajok warrap peace united nations peacekeeping peacekeepers communities

Some 80 people in Kuajok engaged in spirited discussions on the need to implement all provisions of the Revitalized Peace Agreement at a forum jointly facilitated by UNMISS and the United Nations Multi-partner Fund. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.

unmiss south sudan revitalized peace agreement local leaders women youth peace united nations peacekeeping peacekeepers

UNMISS recently teamed up with local authorities in Morobo, Central Equatoria, to host a much-needed workshop to explain to a cross-section of residents the provisions of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and how these impact their responsibilities under the Local Government Act. Photo by Surur Ali/UNMISS

unmiss protection of civilians gender-based violence conflict related sexual violence rape south sudan united nations peacekeepers peacekeeping

UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, recently trained representatives drawn from local police, the prisons system and women's representatives on available support for survivors of sexual violence. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians veterinary livestock Renk upper nile peacekeeping united nations peacekeepers

Indian veterinarians serving with UNMISS recently treated more than 2,000 animals belonging to livestock owners in Renk, Upper Nile.

unmiss protection of civilians peacebuilding peace coexistence Rumbek South Sudan united nations peacekeeping peacekeepers

A two-day peacebuilding dialogue facilitated by UNMISS in partnership with the state Ministry for Peacebuilding in Rumbek, ended with recommendations for free movement of people, sharing of resources, formation of special courts to ensure speedy justice and joint efforts between residents and law enforcement to reduce criminality. Photo by James Manyuol/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians Warrap Revitalized Peace Agreement women youth security south sudan united nations peacekeepers peacekeeping

A recent workshop facilitated by the Civil Affairs Division of UNMISS in Turalei, Twic county, sought to raise awareness among youth, women, community leaders and members on the need to implement the provisions of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Photo by Manyang Mayon/UNMISS.

unmiss peace day marathon morobo central equatoria south sudan protection of civilians sustainable peace peacekeepers united nations peacekeeping

UNMISS and local communities in Morobo, Central Equatoria, came together to organize a 5-kilometer run to mark International Day of Peace. Photo by Surur Ali Ayile/UNMISS.
